Presneto, preveč berem bsnyc.
Včeraj sem bil po dolgem času v Ljubljani. Ne v Ljubljani na železniški postaji in direktiva v biro. Ne v Ljubljani skozi fužine v biro. V Ljubljani. Na tromostovju, mimo mačka, po židovski, en mali krogec, ko imaš pol ure občutek da si v pravem mestu.
Zagledam spimpanega ponija in kaj pomislim: damn hipsters and their fixies D. Ne, brez skrbi, fiksija še nisem videl. Baje pa so že pri nas. Ampak v pravem kontekstu. Vozijo jih geeki (kao poznavalci) in ne tipi ki sedijo pred mačkom ali žmavcem. Aja tudi mimo žmavca sem šel. Tiste mesarije zraven ni več. Pa računalniška trgovina na vogalu je ratala trendi bufet.
Pri šentjakobskem mostu vidim prizor, da me je skoraj na rit vrglo. Kolona ene 10 avtomobilov čaka na semaforju da se iz Krakovskega nasipa vključi na Zoisovo.
Škoda da nimamo pri nas craigslista: You were riding a Focus mountainbike with maxxis tires. Fully dressed up in lycra with camelback, spd’s and everything. I saw you waiting at the stoplight in the row with other cars. Why? You’re narrow enough to drive by the waiting line instead of taking 4m of precious space for another car to drive through red. And why, oh why on earth were you wearing red red lipstick on a bike ride? Just wondering.

P.S.: Razlaga neznanih pojmov sledi v komentarjih, če bo koga zanimalo. Čebela računam nate.

Scanuppia from Bessenello

začetek klanca

slovenska verzija
Molto importante

Two of my friends went to ride Scanuppia this summer. There was no cycling sign on the begining of the road. They went anyway. But police came after them and turned them back with a warning. So no cycling except on Scanuppia day! This year it was on 25.4.2010, hoping for the same date in 2011.…/ScanuppiaDay…/besenello-scanuppia-day-tagliato…/Besenello Scanuppia Day cut

Which climb is the hardest? The one with the most altitude meters gained? The one with the steepest average gradient? The one with the steepest section? Which climb is the hardest in Slovenia, Vršič, Kum, Sveta Gora, perhaps Jelenov klanec? Debates like tis are always dwelling among the cyclists. Guys on the website have devised a cunning plan, well a formula, that recognizes all of the factors mentioned above and some more; this is the link to the page explaining the formula: They have a groving database of climbs, more than 8000 of them and growing. The climb rated toughest by their formula is the climb to Scanuppia from Bessenello. The Climb. Off course this is the one to climb. This thought stuck in my thick head. So I had a look around, gather the infos, where the heck is Bessenello. It isn’t that far, actually. Lousy 350 km from Slovenian border, above Verona in a glacial valley connecting Verona and the city of Trento. Rising above the valley is Scanuppia plateau, plateau is a vague term for a inclined mountain side with pastures and in the lower part filled with weekend cottages. Top part is protected area, some sort of nature reserve or a national park.

Nadaljuj z branjem “Scanuppia from Bessenello”

Virtual insanity

The other day, my wife an I were watching Two and a Half men. There was this scene, where Charlie, his brother and the half wit barged in his mother’s house. I don’t know why. Anyway, she and her friend, played by Richard Wagner were about to pull a McNasty, and there was this funny line about a leather gear, and a guy in the public starts laughing out loud. Nobody else in the public laughs but him. I say to my wife: Nadaljuj z branjem “Virtual insanity”