Zakaj berem bloge 7

clander o zaporih:
In fact, most white people would love to be locked up for their beliefs provided that they could go to a jail with private toilets, plenty of books and no rape.

bikesnob o investicijskih bankirjih:
If any one of my seventeen children expressed an interest in becoming a professional bike racer I’d steer them towards any number of more honorable professions. Weed dealing, fetish pornography, investment banking…I’d proudly stand around the water cooler boasting that they’d chosen any of those career paths over professional bike racing.

CommieCanuck o investicijskih bankirjih:
If I were a NYC cop, or an investment banker, I’d wear a kevlar vest all day.

linhares o vakumu:
That is quite an impressive vernacular for such vacuous thoughts devoid of any reason.

Jonas o fanboyih:
Pa še to, skoraj bi pozabil, Godlerja sem prejšnji petek odpeljal do Trsta, ker si je model zaželel novega iPada dvojko in sem mu priskočil delat družbo in špilat šoferja. Če je pa ponudil bencin in pijačo na pumpi! Ni da ni, jasno da grem, čeprav ne mislim nič kupovati, TAK fanboy pa tudi nisem, no! Novi model je res tanjši in hitrejši, bistvene razlike pa ni, saj nisem nor! Petindvajsetega so ga začeli prodajati tudi v Evropi, natanko ob petih popoldne in sva šla že zjutraj, ker je bil pripravljen čakati v morebitni vrsti. Vrsta je res bila, ampak se je naredila šele tik pred peto, ker so imeli Italijani že vse rezervirane. Godlerja še nisem videl tako bledega, kazalo je že, da sva hodila zastonj. Potem se je pa čudežno izkazalo, da imajo še dva nerezervirana in je hitro stegnil roko ter izfrkal plačilno kartico, dajte mi enega, hitro!

Drugega so pa, sam ne vem kako, nekako uturili meni. Eh.

Zakaj berem bloge 6

Berem Alešev blog o etapni dirki v istri, kjer omenja svojega sotrpina, ga kliknem in berem. Se ga spomnim še od par let nazaj, alpinistični blog. Prdimon ima zelo slabo mentalno moč, takoj ko mu je v klanec težko, šalta v lažjo (nekateri se izgovarjamo na kolena) in si je zato ubodel ss, ki mu tega ne omogoča. 0k. Kar me je pa res presenetilo je to, da po drugi strani je pa zelo načelen in nikoli ne krade glasbe in filmov s spleta. V bistvu me je vrglo na rit. Nisem sam v tej načelnosti. Nadaljuj z branjem “Zakaj berem bloge 6”

Zakaj berem bloge 5

So true:
It’s the same glance all men recognize as the one you get from other men at red lights when you’re on your bike and they aren’t because they’ve been roped into going clothes shopping or something, so they look at your bike condescendingly as if to say, “Yeah, I’ve got one of those too. Not only that, but it’s better than yours and I’d be dropping you right now if I weren’t on my way to Old Navy.” Maybe they even whisper some quip about your bike to their girlfriend, who couldn’t care less and who gets mad at them for thinking about bikes when they’re supposed to be together shopping.

mylosh o holivudu:
Secondly many white people in their late teens / early 20s make the mistake of taking film or photography in college. Since Hollywood can not employ everyone, the wedding industry is the one field that allows all these poor arts majors to pay for their fleet of awesome bikes

Commiecanuk about that jewel thief:
I tried an experiment and placed a “One less bike” sticker on a bike, this resulted in being able to ride down a long tunnel and into the mind of John Malkovich. I then made John Malkovich ride the bike down the tunnel and Malkovich Malkovich. Malkovich? Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich. Malkovich….Malkovich. (bergla)

DrOnyx o lizingu:
medtem ko gospodarski minister Lahovnik izgleda kot da zapeljuje babe na Portoroški promenadi s svojim prvim kabrioletom kupljenim na lizing

Joe Papp o francozih:
Pappillon knows better than most what it is like to deal in the shady world of back-stabbing evil opportunists and scoundrels – and the French.
p.s.: gruča fenov zaenkrat še vodi

Blazing saddles o slanini:
All of this was, of course, immaterial once the trio were reeled in and Vino galloped up the Saint-Ferreol to counter-attack a cluster of riders, including Damiano Cunego, who seems to be in virtually every half-hearted breakaway this year without ever bringing home the bacon.

Zakaj berem bloge 4

BSNY o kosmičih:
Collabos are particularly popular in the world of hip-hop, where selling out is not only acceptable but required. Pioneering hip-hop branding collabos over the years include …, and NWA and Kellogg’s (Fuck Tha Police Cereal).

BSNY o pomarančah:
If cycling were an orange, roadies would take that orange, put it on a juicer, squeeze all the pulpy, delicious goodness out of it, and then eat the rind.

Komentator o Davidu Millarju:
and eventually you’re throwing your bike down the steps for missing shifts and being ugly like you’re David Millar or some other english pro.

Christian Lander o placebu:
Since white people can’t really blame any race for their problems, they need to blame corporations.  In this case, the reason that they are sick or fat or without energy is because the drug companies are in a conspiracy to keep them addicted to placebos.  This helps them shed accountability, and it lets them feel like they are helping the environment by rejecting the polluting, greedy, awful drug companies and taking natural, organic medicine from the earth.

White people love to make fun of politics, especially right wing politics.  It’s a pretty easy target and makes for some decent humor, but white people are actually starting to believe that these two shows are becoming legitimate news sources. “Oh, I don’t watch the news,” they will say.  “I watch the Daily Show and the Colbert Report.  You know, studies show that viewers of those shows are more educated than people who watch Fox News or CNN.”
Upon returning home, they will also find an affinity for a particular beer or liquor from a country they visited. They use this as an excuse to mention their travels when at a bar. “Oh, I’ll have a Czechznlishiyush Pilsner. You see, that was my favorite beer when I was travelling through Slovenia and the Czech republic.”

CLander o arhitekturi:
The reason white people love architecture so much is that deep down they believe that they could have been a great architect.  They feel the same way about other professions including: professor, writer, and politician. Also of note, white people love big books about architecture.  So if you need to get one a gift, this always goes over well because it makes them feel smart without having to read too much.

BSNY o Leviju:
…less threatening than Levi Leipheimer on a French mountain pass.

BSNY o francozih:
I was unable to follow the Tour de France last year due to extreme lack of interest, but according to information available on the internet Leipheimer’s teammate Alberto Contador won it last year. I’m not sure then why we should rally behind Leipheimer, who finished third. If I want to watch opportunity being squandered for three weeks I can just follow one of the French teams, or any liberal arts school graduate.

anonimni komentator na BSNY:

Zakaj berem bloge 3

Part of the reason bicycles have become so popular recently is that more and more people are discovering that doing tricks on them or simply hanging around near them can be easier and more enjoyable than actually riding them. Consequently, they don’t need to wear garments like bib shorts, jerseys, and cycling shoes, and companies both new and old are rushing to clothe these people in the leisure wear that’s more suited to their riding style. In fact, cycling seems to be joining those less physically demanding activities I like to call SIBs–or Sports Involving Belts. These sports don’t require serious technical garments. Instead, they simply require slightly modified street clothes. The three best examples of SIBs are fishing, bowling and golf. Nadaljuj z branjem “Zakaj berem bloge 3”

Zakaj berem bloge 2

BSNYC o ansamblu Whitesnake:
Like a cancer diagnosis after decades of smoking, the invasion of Pearl Harbor after a century of isolationism, or the day you finally admit to yourself that you should not have gotten that Whitesnake tattoo, this was the moment when the reality of the situation became undeniable and I realized that my life would be changed forever.

Nadaljuj z branjem “Zakaj berem bloge 2”

Zakaj berem bloge

BajksnobNYC o modulaciji:
Even worse is the M5. I’ve been seeing way more of these hideous banana clips than I should be. These suckers go for over $500 a pair, and Excelsports says that they are powerful but warns that you should “take a pass if you are more interested in modulation.” Yes, I prefer to either be moving fast or lying in a crumpled heap after I’ve gone flying over my bars. None of that pesky “slowing down” for me. (Oh, by the way, brake pads aren’t included. That might explain the modulation issues.)

Nadaljuj z branjem “Zakaj berem bloge”


Zadnjič smo jaz in moja dva prijatelja od nekoga dobili link do bloga kolesarskega snoba.

Očitno si ta nekdo o nas treh misli da smo kolesarski snobi. Po pravici povedano sem kar malo užaljen, da sem bil potisnjen v grupo s tema dvema. Nista namreč niti b od snoba. Snob mora že po definiciji (samo trenutek, grem guglat) vozit zračnice lažje od 100g (check), na kolo vesiti absurdne količine karbona (seveda ne absurdne po teži, ampak po €) – check, v 5s zmontirat zadnje kolo (z diski in v najlažji prestavi) -check in gledati vse ostale žalujoče z viška. Check. No najbrž v naših koncih v opis delovnih obveznosti spada tudi pisanje sarkastičnih pripomb na tabli – check. Aha, sedaj sem se spomnil zakaj sta onadva padla zraven.

Kar se tiče samega bloga, je kar ok. Sicer to pravim iz distance, kot civilist. Kot kolesar, lahko rečem samo pih. :) Nisva ravno kompatibilna po kolesarskih preferencah. Mi je pa presneto všeč njegovo dosledno podjebavanje (kritiziranje) tistih ki si to zaslužijo. Recimo tale je carska. Sem začel brati blog od začetka.